Post by The Doctor on Feb 21, 2016 9:30:59 GMT
But who is Gale?
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 22, 2016 18:55:27 GMT
Tony Gale?
Post by The Doctor on Feb 23, 2016 13:23:05 GMT
Who is Tony Gale?
Post by Benn on Feb 23, 2016 14:32:39 GMT
You are Number Six.
Post by Philip Ayres on Mar 26, 2016 16:46:26 GMT
Keep this up and Swindon will be waterworld shortly!
Post by The Doctor on Mar 26, 2016 17:13:54 GMT
Alternated between blue skies, very cold, very mild, gale force winds, dead calm, pissing it down. Mad day.
Post by Pinwig on Mar 26, 2016 17:42:27 GMT
Same down this end too. Lovely constitutional this morning. Now I can't even take the rubbish out.
Post by The Doctor on Mar 26, 2016 22:45:58 GMT
Post by Shockprowl on Mar 27, 2016 18:57:34 GMT
Today it's be- sunny sunny RAIN!!! sunny sunny HAIL!!! sunny sunny MORE HAIL!!!
Angry weather.
Post by The Doctor on May 22, 2016 18:54:29 GMT
Mad weather today. Sunny morning/afternoon then all evening it has been a full-on rainpocalypse out there.
Post by Pinwig on May 30, 2016 17:33:16 GMT
Currently sounds like I'm sitting in a war zone. Bang flash bang. Wind tearing through trees, rain washing the roads away. People running for their lives. If I don't get Decepticons appearing any minute in going to be seriously disappointed.
Post by Philip Ayres on May 30, 2016 17:41:00 GMT
Liz's event in Norwich has been closed down early due to high winds.
Post by Shockprowl on May 30, 2016 20:48:34 GMT
Liz's event in Norwich has been closed down early due to high winds. Was it something dodgy served at the buffet?
Post by Shockprowl on May 30, 2016 20:51:10 GMT
Wonderful yesterday for watching War of the Roses re-enactors! Caught the Sun I did!
And lovely today.... at work....
Post by Philip Ayres on May 31, 2016 9:20:22 GMT
Full on Time Wars here in the Town of Kings. Shan't be going far today!
The friend I was hoping to see in Buckinghamshire today has a village wide power cut due to overhead cables coming down!
Post by legios on May 31, 2016 20:35:31 GMT
Whereas in Glasgow today it was too warm for Karl's by several degrees. I ended up being rather glad to go back to the White Room after my lunch - it may have been kind of empty up on the fifth floor, but it has climate control, so my heat gauge steadily lowered as I sat there. Shame that the bus home doesn't have any climate control...
Post by The Doctor on May 31, 2016 20:43:02 GMT
Just normal weather here. Sunshine and some warmth but not too hot.
Post by Benn on May 31, 2016 20:59:05 GMT
It has rained rather heavily most of the day here in the Mid-Lands.
Post by Fortmax2020 on May 31, 2016 23:03:20 GMT
As Karl said hot weather and sunshine all day in Glasgow today. Glorious stuff.
Post by Benn on Jun 1, 2016 8:26:44 GMT
Much more rain today. well, sooner this week than next, I guess...
Post by Philip Ayres on Jun 23, 2016 7:36:39 GMT
Very full on Time Wars Weather here in The Capitol last night.
Good job we're not travelling home today cos we wouldn't get there!
Post by Andy Turnbull on Jun 26, 2016 23:09:50 GMT
It's been unpleasantly warm the last few nights, sleep is a challenge.
Post by Fortmax2020 on Jul 20, 2016 7:45:45 GMT
Absolutely chucking it down currently complete with loud thunder. Considering options for how to get to work in one piece.
Post by legios on Jul 20, 2016 10:09:49 GMT
It was clear but starting to cloud over when I left Falkirk at quarter past seven this morning. When I reached Bonnybridge it was raining steadily. When I woke up at Cumbernauld I couldn't tell what the weather was like because the bus station there is in the centre of town underneath the strange civic centre thing that squats in the centre of the town like a sinister brutalist forerunner of the Nostromo.
Then I got to glasgow and the heavens had clearly opened - I managed to get somewhat damp even just from the run of a bit over a minute from the bus stop to the library doors. Not heard any thunder, but I am in the windowless bunker-like part of the Andersonian Library so all I can hear is the steady "breathing" of the air conditioning. I gather that it is also hurling it down in Falkirk this morning as well, so clearly the storm and I were travelling in opposite directions.
Post by Philip Ayres on Jul 20, 2016 21:21:57 GMT
Significantly cooler here in pig hill tonight :-(
Post by Benn on Jul 20, 2016 21:47:07 GMT
Cooler is good. I wish it was cooler. I miss the rains in Africa.
Post by legios on Jul 21, 2016 10:31:41 GMT
My house finally cooled down at about 5am this morning. That was a little too early and a little too late to pick up my bedding and take myself back upstairs, so I stayed on the floor and went back to sleep. Hopefully that 21.2C will remain the temperature today so I can sleep in a proper bed again tonight.
Post by Benn on Jul 22, 2016 18:55:51 GMT
My flat hovers between 28.5 and 30.5 no matter what I do. I struggle to function.
Post by legios on Jul 22, 2016 20:09:31 GMT
Then you are a better man than I. At those temperatures I suspect I would be right into "initiating auto-shutdown" territory, without the option to override.
Post by The Doctor on Jul 22, 2016 21:03:10 GMT
It has been cooler the last two days which has been fab for the hay fever.