Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 22, 2016 22:51:50 GMT
Evening gang.
Dave Tree has kindly offered TMUK a space at Roll Out, Roll Call which I have of course taken him up on. Now Matt has our TFNation fanzine needs sorted out with his splendid Rock Lords project.
It's only fair we have something spiffy for RORC.
I'll open the floor to suggestions, I have a few ideas myself though but am willing to be blown away by your suggestions, and Ralph's inevitable demand to do something involving Juan and the Mechanic.
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 22, 2016 23:04:17 GMT
But just to prove I do actually have an idea.
RetroGeneration 2 - a sequel of sorts to Graham's splendidly edited zine from the Birmingham Informal Gathering 4.
A nice anthology piece of G2 goodness. Again, limited space but scope for plenty of contributors!
Post by Kingoji on Feb 23, 2016 9:02:17 GMT
Just gonna throw this to the masses: Since it's RORC, an anthology mag with as much Joe and MotU as TF?
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 23, 2016 14:36:45 GMT
Spoken to Ed about this elsewhere,
I think some He-Man content would be good, but we want to show off TMUK and what it does, He-Man isn't a regular part, but I think some faux He-Man toy pack-in comics would be a treat though, and the more stuff on the table the merrier.
Post by blueshift on Feb 23, 2016 18:44:49 GMT
Okay guys, I feel the answer is staring us in the face. Let's examine the facts:
1: This is a GI Joe/Transformers convention 2: Andy wants this to be a G2 fanzine 3: There was a GI Joe/Transformers crossover at the start of G2.
The fanzine should be a Transformers/GI Joe crossover sequel set at the end of G2, detailing the battle as GI Joe and the Transformers team up to repel Jihaxus's invasion of Earth! And everyone can tell a bit of the overall story.
(I just want to write a story of GI Joe employing Dr Mindbender to rebuild all the Autobots Megatron wrecked in the original crossover and bling them all up G2 style)
Post by Bogatan on Feb 23, 2016 18:53:25 GMT
G2 Joe!
and while we're at it
Post by blueshift on Feb 23, 2016 18:54:12 GMT
Post by Bogatan on Feb 23, 2016 19:02:50 GMT
or should it be GII Joe! ?
Post by blueshift on Feb 23, 2016 19:04:39 GMT
Post by Philip Ayres on Feb 23, 2016 19:13:00 GMT
I await a bright yellow Snake Eyes picture
Post by Kingoji on Feb 23, 2016 19:27:32 GMT
GI Joe witnessing Jhiaxus dropping the 'big one', as Grimlock put it. Some die. Most quit. The others are irradiated and becoome even more alive.
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 23, 2016 22:51:50 GMT
A post G2 TF/Joe crossover would be more interesting.
After all as a major city has been wiped out by a faction claiming to be Decepticons, and Optimus is now insistent following his contact with The Swarm that they must all assume Primus' mantle as guardians of life. That is not going to sit well.
You can still get your Mindbender story in there, but we actually have a more interesting backstory to hang the magazine on.
The Huff
Posts: 4,247
Post by The Huff on Feb 24, 2016 10:33:39 GMT
I'd love to contribute anything - let me know what is needed.
(The He-Man pack in comic idea sounds fun - especially if it is in the style of the first ones where they speak all Thor-like!)
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 24, 2016 15:44:39 GMT
Regards the He-Man pack in comics, I was thinking we might want to do a couple of them. Given the range in tone with the early ones, to the Filmation era and beyond.
Post by blueshift on Feb 24, 2016 18:27:20 GMT
Regards the He-Man pack in comics, I was thinking we might want to do a couple of them. Given the range in tone with the early ones, to the Filmation era and beyond. Andy So are we talking about doing lots of mini comics here? That's a lot of work unless they're mini-mini (like uh, 4 pages, 1 sheet folded in half)
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 24, 2016 18:48:30 GMT
Not lots and lots but a couple and yes they would be mini-mini as the pack in comics actually were.
John Travoltage!
Posts: 2,047
Post by Gav on Feb 24, 2016 20:17:41 GMT
A wee He-Man mini comic would be amazing. Up for that.
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 24, 2016 20:23:46 GMT
Was thinking they would be a6. Eight pagers with a cover and either six or seven pages of story and if it's a six pager then the back page being a fake advert for toys.
Post by blueshift on Feb 24, 2016 21:16:29 GMT
Was thinking they would be a6. Eight pagers with a cover and either six or seven pages of story and if it's a six pager then the back page being a fake advert for toys. Andy I will write a New Adventures of He-Man minicomic if anyone wants to draw it
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 25, 2016 12:14:46 GMT
Okay - we have a title (thanks Mr Kiernan!)
Matt is working on a text story just now. As with any proper decent TMUK zine, we'll have some strips, profiles and if anyone wants to write an article or two by all means.
Ostensibly set in the aftermath of G2 Issue 12, but flashbacks to the climactic battle are of course, welcome and encouraged.
I have a rough idea for a strip, not really got it in place yet - it does involve the resolution of Ratchet (not a surprise) and a cementing of Prime/Megatron's allicance.
Following Frisco's destruction, humanity is not big on Transformers and while the Joe's might have had some respect/comradeship with them. An entire city was wiped out by a group claiming to be Decepticons and now Optimus is friends with some of them.
The Huff
Posts: 4,247
Post by The Huff on Feb 25, 2016 12:15:33 GMT
Don't know enough about New Adventures to commit to that though I'd be up for having a go at drawing a classic style mini He-Man comic.
Post by blueshift on Feb 25, 2016 12:39:01 GMT
I am the one person who liked New Adventures of He-Man. He had a transparent neon yellow shield and a helmet and a laser sword and a ponytail.
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 25, 2016 12:47:03 GMT
No you are not.
I too am a fan!
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 25, 2016 15:15:43 GMT
A cover logo has been re(created)
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 25, 2016 18:21:30 GMT
I've almost battered the story synopsis into shape for my effort.
It features Optimus Prime, Megatron, Lt. Falcon and Snake Eyes and takes place in the aftermath of Issue 12 at the Decepticon Fortress Base.
Post by blueshift on Feb 25, 2016 18:24:34 GMT
i helped Andy, the erotic interlude between G2 Ultra Magnus and Trypticon was all my idea.
Post by Kingoji on Feb 25, 2016 18:29:35 GMT
I've never been able to get into Joe, so anything I do will need heavy assistance in terms of ref.
Post by Andy Turnbull on Feb 25, 2016 18:33:35 GMT
I stand by to assist.
I am sure Phil can also be called upon to provide Joe continuity!
Post by blueshift on Feb 25, 2016 18:37:19 GMT
I've never been able to get into Joe, so anything I do will need heavy assistance in terms of ref. You have seen the 80s movie though I hope!!
Post by Philip Ayres on Feb 25, 2016 18:42:13 GMT
I am sure Phil can also be called upon to provide Joe continuity! Oh yes.